Feliks has been painting with acrylics for over 17 years and with an audience of over 2 million people across his social media channels, has inspired global collectors to acquire his work.
His artworks now hang in the homes of collectors in the U.S., Canada, France, Monaco, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Russia, and more. The global and multicultural nature of his audience and collectors is a testament to the emotional universality of his work. Currently, Feliks releases limited edition series of his original works and has a yearly art auction. For updates on when there are new art collection drops and to be first to purchase his art, be sure to sign up for the Feliks K Fine Art Newsletter by CLICKING HERE.
Available Art
Feliks believes that a sense of child-like wonder and discovery is at the core of what makes art so joyful and important.
This series is about letting go, having fun, and giving yourself fully over to that child-like impulse. These works are full of energy, passion and play.
This series is available for a limited time.
Sign up for our newsletter by CLICKING HERE to be notified when new pieces are added to the series, and when Feliks’ next art collection will be available.
No reproductions will be made of this series.